What Exactly is Dopamine Decor?
In simple terms, dopamine is a chemical that is released in the brain which makes us feel good. Dopamine decor is all about bringing joy and happiness into your interiors, whether that is through colours that makes you feel-good or patterns that have a sense of nostalgia or maybe it’s a comforting texture.

Using Colour to Create Dopamine Decor
To create a feel-good interior for you, find which season colour palette you’re most drawn to. Whether pastel Spring shades of pink and blue do it for you, or maybe you prefer the warming burnt orange shades of Autumn. Within whichever season colour palette you choose, to get that dopamine hit, you need to find your hero colour, the one that really does it for you, and then layer it with other colours within a scheme.
This could be though painting walls, fabric you choose for curtains and soft furnishings, to home decorations such as photo frames and vases.

Using Pattern and Scale to Create Dopamine Decor
Pattern is really important when it comes to creating a room that you will love to spend time in. There are so many beautiful, patterned fabrics and wallpapers, so find your hero patterned fabric, a pattern which you are most drawn to. This pattern will then bring in lots of other colours within your colour palette and stop a room from looking too blocky. Once you’ve found your hero fabric, the one that lifts you and brings you joy, you can then begin to layer it up with other fabrics and colours.
When it comes to pattern and colour, be brave. Spend your money on something you really love, that way you’ll always love it. And when it comes to scale, go a little bit bigger, so it has a bigger impact within a room and gives you more of that dopamine hit.
Most importantly, have fun with it and enjoy it!